St. Mary's Church, Cheltenham.

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Cheltenham Minster, St. Mary's

For hundreds of years this ancient Parish Church of Cheltenham has borne witness to the enduring truth of the Christian Gospel. Many visitors not only find the church interesting but also appreciate its peace and tranquillity. Some come to pray, either in one of the pews or in the greater privacy of the Chapel for Private Prayer.

St. Mary's is the Parish Church of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England and is situated between Clarence Street and the High Street. It is the oldest building in the town and dates mainly from the 13th and 14th centuries although there are parts which are both earlier and later. It has an interesting history, several noteworthy memorials and a peal of 12 bells.

In the Daily Telegraph poll of December 2004, St.Mary's was in the top 100 'Favourite Churches in the UK'.

On Sunday 3rd February 2013 St Mary's was designated Cheltenham Minster by the Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Revd Michael Perham at the Inauguration Service.

The Friends of Cheltenham Minster, St. Mary's

The Friends of St. Mary's Church were founded to help preserve the fabric of the church and to provide financial support for its requirements other than regular maintenance and running costs. We are independent of the Parochial Church Council of St. Mary's with St. Matthew's, which is responsible for the policy and day-to-day running of the church. We have an elected Committee with an Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

Charitable Activities

If you would like to see how we have spent our money on the fabric of the church, please visit our donations page. You may also like to make your own contribution.

A Prayer For Visitors

The following prayer is printed on the last page of the guide book:-

Go forth into the world in peace;
Be of good courage;
Hold fast to that which is good;
render to no man evil for evil;
Strengthen the faint hearted;
Support the weak;
Help the afflicted;
Honour all men;
Love and serve the Lord,
Rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit;
And the blessing of God Almighty,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Be upon you and remain with you always.

The 'pew runners', available from

Beautiful setting for Weddings.
Photo taken by John Cheesman.

Friends of St. Mary's 2011 Christmas card. Kindly donated by the photographer Revd. Andrew Dow.
£2.00 per pack of 5.